full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Jay Van Bavel and Dominic Packer: The sibling rivalry that divided a town

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So, in the absence of stereotypes, resource conflicts and status differences, what was left? What could psblsioy account for plopee showing caelr preferences for the most temporary and megilnaesns of groups? The answer that came to tejfal and his colleagues was social identity. People regularly use group membership to help determine their sense of identity. And these minimal group experiments sgteeusgd that simply being categorized as part of a group is enough to link that group to a person’s sense of self. Then, in an effort to create a meaningful identity, ptiaacirnpts allocated more resources to their in-group than the out-group— psiuunrg their group's interests despite no clear benefit to themselves as individuals.

Open Cloze

So, in the absence of stereotypes, resource conflicts and status differences, what was left? What could ________ account for ______ showing _____ preferences for the most temporary and ___________ of groups? The answer that came to ______ and his colleagues was social identity. People regularly use group membership to help determine their sense of identity. And these minimal group experiments _________ that simply being categorized as part of a group is enough to link that group to a person’s sense of self. Then, in an effort to create a meaningful identity, ____________ allocated more resources to their in-group than the out-group— ________ their group's interests despite no clear benefit to themselves as individuals.


  1. possibly
  2. meaningless
  3. people
  4. suggested
  5. pursuing
  6. participants
  7. clear
  8. tajfel

Original Text

So, in the absence of stereotypes, resource conflicts and status differences, what was left? What could possibly account for people showing clear preferences for the most temporary and meaningless of groups? The answer that came to Tajfel and his colleagues was social identity. People regularly use group membership to help determine their sense of identity. And these minimal group experiments suggested that simply being categorized as part of a group is enough to link that group to a person’s sense of self. Then, in an effort to create a meaningful identity, participants allocated more resources to their in-group than the out-group— pursuing their group's interests despite no clear benefit to themselves as individuals.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
minimal group 3
cultural differences 2
group bias 2
group membership 2
minimal groups 2
group identities 2

Important Words

  1. absence
  2. account
  3. allocated
  4. answer
  5. benefit
  6. categorized
  7. clear
  8. colleagues
  9. conflicts
  10. create
  11. determine
  12. differences
  13. effort
  14. experiments
  15. group
  16. groups
  17. identity
  18. individuals
  19. interests
  20. left
  21. link
  22. meaningful
  23. meaningless
  24. membership
  25. minimal
  26. part
  27. participants
  28. people
  29. possibly
  30. preferences
  31. pursuing
  32. regularly
  33. resource
  34. resources
  35. sense
  36. showing
  37. simply
  38. social
  39. status
  40. stereotypes
  41. suggested
  42. tajfel
  43. temporary